Oxygenator impact on peramivir in extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation circuits.

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INTRODUCTION: This study aims to determine the oxygenator impact on alterations of peramivir (PRV) in a contemporary neonatal/pediatric (1/4-inch) and adolescent/adult (3/8-inch) extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) circuit including the Quadrox-i

METHODS: 1/4-inch and 3/8-inch, simulated closed-loop ECMO circuits were prepared with a Quadrox-i pediatric and Quadrox-i adult oxygenator and blood primed. Additionally, 1/4-inch and 3/8-inch circuits were also prepared without an oxygenator in series. A one-time dose of PRV was administered into the circuits and serial pre- and post-oxygenator concentrations were obtained at 5-min and 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, 8-, 12-, and 24-h time points. PRV was also maintained in a glass vial, and samples were taken from the vial at the same time periods for control purposes to assess for spontaneous drug degradation

RESULTS: For the 1/4-in. circuit with an oxygenator, there was < 15% PRV loss, and for the 1/4-in. circuit without an oxygenator, there was < 3% PRV loss during the study period. For the 3/8-in. circuits with an oxygenator, there was < 15% PRV loss, and for the 3/8-in. circuits without an oxygenator, there was < 3% PRV loss during the study period.

CONCLUSION: There was no significant PRV loss over the 24-h study period in either the 1/4-in. or 3/8-in circuit, regardless of the presence of the oxygenator. The concentrations obtained pre- and post-oxygenator appeared to approximate each other, suggesting there may be no drug loss

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