Volume 2, Number 2 (June 2023)
Commentary and Perspectives
Commentary on the Obesity Epidemic: A Family Medicine Perspective
Mediha B. Chaudhry and Katherine Goth
pages 24-24
Case Reports
Arnold-Chiari Malformation-I Borderline Personality Disorder
Aric Huber, Matthew Driben, and Eduardo Espiridion
pages 25-28
Cervical Os Marsupialization in the Initial Management of a Rare Case of Obstructive Uterine Didelphys with Ipsilateral Renal Agenesis
Anna K. Roble, Sarah Dreibelbis, Jonathan Buerger, and Xuezhi Jiang
pages 29-32
Constant Site Hemodialysis in the Pediatric Population: Successful use of VWINGs in Three Patients
Jordy Salcedo-Giraldo, Maxwell Kilcoyne, Chi Chi Do-Nguyen, Achintya Moulick, Susan Conley, Paul Brady, Vicki Mahan, and Randy Stevens
pages 33-39
The Role of Expressed Emotion on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Steven Drosky, Natasha Reddy, and Eduardo Espiridion
pages 40-43
ECG of the Quarter
“Guess My Labs”
Ravi Choxi
pages 44-46