Instructions for Submitting Your Abstract

Directions for Submitting Your Abstract:

To submit an abstract, please perform the following steps on the 2025 St. Chris Research Day web site:

  1. Click on the “submit abstract” link to begin the submission process.
  2. You will be prompted to log into your Digital Commons account. If you do not have a Digital Commons account, you will need to create one by clicking on the “sign up” link.
  3. After creating your account, an account activation link is sent to the email address you used for your account. Go to your email and click on the account activation link.
  4. After clicking on the activation link you will be brought to the Submission Agreement Form.
  5. Please read the Submission Agreement Form and check the box at the bottom of the form if you agree to the terms.
  6. On the submission form, complete all fields EXCEPT Recommended Citation.
  7. Be sure to upload your abstract as an electronic file.
  8. Click the submit button at the end of the submission form.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified via email after a complete review of submitted abstracts.