Volume 2, Number 4 (December 2023)
Cover Art
Transformative Medicine’s editorial team would like to thank Patti Geiss, CPhT, for permitting us to use one of her amazing photographs for the cover art of this issue of Transformative Medicine.
The photograph on the cover of this issue is titled Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly Click here to view a large rendering of the photograph, as well as information about the photographer, Patti Geiss.
Original Research
Adolescent Bariatric Surgery Programs: Progress in Pennsylvania
Gunnar Wolfe MD, Lisa Baro MSN, Vesta Salehi MD, Renee Riddle, and Stephan R. Myers
pages 82-87
Microgreens Nutrition Outreach: A Novel Tool for Community-Wide Dietary Disease Prevention
Rayna Marshall, Jessica Nwabeke, Benjamin S. Haslund-Gourley, Cynthia Huang, Talmadge Gaither, Vibhuti Mishra, Sophia Kim, Hannah Xu, Faith Kean, Neiki Rokni, and Annette Gadegbeku
pages 88-97
Case Report
Hoffmann Sign
Anthony A. Donato Jr and Chinedu Ezikanyi
pages 98-98
Quality Improvement
Impact of adding reduced and weight-based insulin dosing options to the emergency department and inpatient hyperkalemia order-set
Elaina Lioudis PharmD, BS; Regine Ghoubrial-Waibel PharmD; and Micah Kidd MSN, RN, AGCNS-BC, CMSRN
pages 99-104
ECG of the Quarter
“What should I do about this new Left Bundle Branch Block?”
Muhammad Asad Hanif, Muhammad Mohsin Zafar, and Aniruddha Singh
pages 105-107
Pharmacy Reviews
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccines for Adults
Maley Zents, Emily Wagner, Mary Hoang, and Christina Swiger
pages 108-112
Quality Improvement Primer
Quality Improvement In Healthcare: A Practical Guide For Providers (Part 2)
Jeremy Ellis
pages 113-118