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Better Late than Never: Identification of a Duodenal Web in a 14-Year-Old Male with Trisomy 21

Zoha Shahabuddin, St. Christopher's Hospital for Children

Chronic Pneumonia in a 1-year-old Male

Saritha Beauchamp, St. Christopher's Hospital for Childen
Irene Chern MD, St. Christopher's Hospital for Children
Emily Souder, St. Christopher's Hospital for Children

Intermittent Unilateral Pallor Following Inguinal Hernia Repair in a Preterm Infant: An unusual post-operative vascular phenomenon.

Adedapo Kiladejo, SCHC
Valentina Sarkisian, SCHC
Margaret Gilfillan, SCHC

Piecing Together the Puzzle: Hepatic Abscess in a 16-Year-Old Female

Danielle Statman

Systemic Lidocaine Toxicity Secondary to Topical Application in a Pediatric Patient

Sophie Duron, St. Christopher's Hospital for Children
Vincent Calleo, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Michelle Dominguez, St. Christopher's Hospital for Children